We’re celebrating our 15th year in business this month! A sincere thank you to all of our customers, partners, and affiliates for the amazing experiences we’ve shared throughout our company’s history and the many more coming in the future. It’s an honour and a privilege to be part of the solution in a world of changing climate and environmental turmoil. We’re grateful for the opportunities we have to travel and to the individuals we meet in some of the most remote and unique areas of Canada. Despite all the challenges and difficulties we have faced throughout the years, there’s nothing we would rather do than continue to supply sustainable energy solutions and cooperate alongside some of the brightest, environmentally-focused minds within Canada. We will continue doing what we believe is right to ensure an environmentally sustainable future for Canada and future generations.
For questions and inquiries, you can contact us through our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at info@greensunrising.com.
We’ll be at the Northern Lights 2023 conference at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa February 7-11, 2023! We’re hosting a workshop on Friday, February 10th, 2023 in Room 209 – on the second floor from 2:30pm – 3:00pm. Come out and see what we’re doing for Diesel reduction and how we’re assisting Inuit & First Nations communities.
Presenter: Klaus Dohring
Actual performance data for all 5 Nunatsiavut communities of solar PV systems for diesel reduction. A brief video about solar system work in Nain, Nunatsiavut.
For questions and inquiries, you can contact us through our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at info@greensunrising.com.
Wishing everybody a Happy Holidays and a wonderful start to the New Year! We will be closed December 26th to January 3rd. We look forward to seeing and hearing from everyone in 2023!
For questions and inquiries, you can contact us through our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at info@greensunrising.com.
This week we checked in with solar superhero Klaus Dohring, whose company Green Sun Rising has installed 48 solar systems across the North in eight years — saving more than 330,000 litres of diesel fuel from power generation.
Of course, saved fuel is also saved money — both for the community in volume needed to be brought in by barge and for individuals relying on diesel to also heat their homes and facilitate hunting expeditions.
Solar power is about as win-win a situation as you can possibly hope for. You install the panels in your micro-grid, like your roof. Done. Free power.
For questions and inquiries, you can contact us through our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at info@greensunrising.com.
Barge delays didn’t just limit the amount of fuel available in the the communities of Ulukhaktok, Paulatuk and Sachs Harbour this year.
Green Sun Rising owner Klaus Dohring had plans to install four solar arrays in Ulukhaktok — enough to save the community 16,800 litres in diesel per year and avoid 44,300 kilograms of Carbon Dioxide emissions, but the three week delay in arrival meant he ended up paying a technician to sit around.
For questions and inquiries, you can contact us through our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at info@greensunrising.com.
The hamlet of Pond Inlet will add a second solar-powered clean energy project to the community in 2023, says David Stockley, the hamlet’s chief administrative officer.
With $1 million in federal funding from the Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs’ Climate Change and Clean Energy Program, a 150-kilowatt solar energy system will be purchased and installed on the roof of the community hall, hamlet officials said.
For questions and inquiries, you can contact us through our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at info@greensunrising.com.
In an isolated community in Canada’s High Arctic, where the sun doesn’t shine three months a year, a Windsor renewable energy company has installed a solar power installation to supply renewable energy in a land of ice and rock.
The sun will set on Grise Fiord at 1:49 p.m. on Oct. 31, and it won’t peek above the horizon again until Feb. 10 at 12:03 p.m. — 15 weeks of 24/7 winter darkness. Why install solar power in Canada’s northernmost hamlet? Part of the answer is that, when the sun does shine on the southern end of Ellesmere Island, it really shines, including four months of around-the-clock sun in the sky from April 24 to Aug. 20.
But Klaus Dohring, president of Green Sun Rising Inc., has another answer. Tapping a few key strokes on his computer, he shows a calculator estimating how much the relatively small 10-kilowatt solar power system his Windsor company installed earlier this month in Grise Fiord translates into future diesel fuel savings.
For questions and inquiries, you can contact us through our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at info@greensunrising.com.
The final version of the Indigenous Clean Energy (ICE) documentary about the Nunatsiavut community of Nain, Labrador and how our solar Diesel-reduction systems help to assist those in the community. We have installed a solar system in each of the five Nunatsiavut communities (Nain, Hopedale, Rigolet, Makkovik, and Postville).
For questions and inquiries, you can contact us through our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at info@greensunrising.com.
Solar panels now face the sky in every Nunatsiavut community, as the region’s Inuit government works toward its goal of getting the five remote towns off diesel power and achieving energy independence.
Jamie Hewlett, Nunatsiavut’s regional energy co-ordinator, says the solar panels will help reduce the north coast’s heavy reliance on fossil fuels for power.
“As we continue to expand renewables and increase energy-efficiency as well as lower energy demand, the consumption and shipping of diesel will steadily decrease.”
The Ontario-based solar power company Green Sun Rising installed panels in Makkovik in 2018, with the remaining communities getting their panels this summer.
For questions and inquiries, you can contact us through our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at info@greensunrising.com.
The latest issue of Biz X Magazine is out! You can view it online here. We have a brief rundown of a successful net-metering account in Windsor at the top of Page 14.
For questions and inquiries, you can contact us through our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at info@greensunrising.com.
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