Solar Cooking

A solar cooker is a reflective device which harnesses solar energy to cook food. They use no fuel and cost nothing to run, since the sun shines down on us for free. They also help slow deforestation and desertification. Solar cookers are also sometimes used for cooking outside, especially when using fire is risky or there is no fuel.

According to Solar Cookers International (SCI), one solar cooker preserves more than 1 ton of wood every year. “With solar cooking, women and children breathe cleaner air, save trees and soil, save money for food and education, and stay safe from violence. Solar cooking improves the quality of life and provides a way to adapt to a changing world. People who harness free solar energy for cooking breathe cleaner air, drink safe water, and preserve the environment. Nearly 3 billion people cook over wood, animal waste, or charcoal fires. They breathe in smoke and soot for hours every day. And more rely on expensive, unsustainable fossil fuels. Using no-emission solar energy to cook and make drinking water safe improves health, builds resilient families, breaks the cycle of poverty, boosts local economies, empowers women and children, and helps achieve all 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

Green Sun Rising

NEW:Green Sun Rising operates from the Renewable Energy Technology Center located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. The center displays the latest in renewable energy technologies, with particular emphasis on solar technologies. The RET-Center houses solar companies such as Green Sun Rising, and has an area dedicated for training.

We are featured on the Solar Cookers International (SCI) wiki!

We carry inventory of the EG-Solar SK14 in stock! Click here for more information, or continue below to learn to build your own!

Making Espresso in Winter

Solar Cooking in Canada – Espresso Coffee (January 20, 2020)

A demonstration of using a solar cooker at the Renewable Energy Technology Center (RET-Center) in Windsor, Ontario, Canada at -4°C/25°F on a sunny day. For m…

Build Your Own Solar Cooker

Materials used to make a home-made solar cooker!

You can make your own “Fun-Panel” Solar Cooker from average household materials! Click here for a PDF with detailed instructions.

For questions and inquiries, you can contact us through our contact page, by phone at 519-946-0408, or email us at